Fabrizio Ruggiero Camiano, 52031 Anghiari , ITALY . Tel: +39 0575 723212 +39 3333 624648 e-mail: fabrizio@fabrizioruggiero.it
1966– 1970 Student of Architecture at the University in Naples. 1970 –1978 Fabrizio Ruggiero creates hand-painted and printed textiles for pret-à-porter collections, gradually being involved in planning the full cycle of printed and woven necktie and foulard collections in silk and cashmere. Thus F. R. had occasion to take part in that "Challenge of restrictions" in shaping patterns that, as Sir E. H. Gombrich says: “offers an incomparable understanding of the operations of our sense of order in the perception of complex patterns". 1979 F. R. focuses his attention on the interaction of geometrical rhythmic structures and on the interesting phenomena illustrating the enrichment of information, which results when a description melts with another. F. R. gathered the results of his research in a graphic portfolio containing geometrical patterns divided by families according to what L: Wittgenstein calls “familiar resemblances”. 1972 – 1984 An interest in perception theory developed during the years F.R. was studying architecture and a passion for oriental thinking led him, in successive journeys between, to spend six years in the Indian sub-continent, where he came in touch with Indian and Buddhist thought as a "point of view " (Darshan) into which perception and art theory naturally develop as rules and practice of life. He became familiar with the theory of art in Asia and a general theory of art coordinating Eastern and Western points of view through the essays of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. 1980 F.R establishes ARCHITECTURA PICTA, workshop specialised in contemporary fresco paintings. ARCHITECTURA PICTA works in the sphere of the theory of ' Decorum ‘, fundament of all Renaissance art cycles. ARCHITECTURA PICTA is a flexible structure, able to plan and construct wall paintings by fresco of the highest quality in accordance with the client’s needs. Each piece is specifically for its individual site so it can be adapted to all the ' fortuitous necessities ' that may exist to accomplish the functions for which it is required. 1984 F.R. studies and experiments the scheme, structure and process of Fresco and Buon Fresco way of painting. He renews this old technique applying to cartoni and velature modern technological innovations. From then F.R. research flew in different streams, figurative and abstract, fed by the common water of fresco painting process. 1994 He gets interest in digital images processes and uses them as a base and tools for fresco paintings. 1986 – 1990 F.R. moulds a cycle of abstract sculptures collected under the title of “De arte fingendi drama”. The sculpture technique suggested by Latin verb fingere is that of moulding, but in the abstract sculptures Fabrizio Ruggiero preferred to use fresco-roughcast plaster. 1996 F.R. starts painting large close-up portraits in Buon-fresco and Minimal Fresco. Minimal Fresco is a creation of F.R. where sand and lime plaster, basic elements in fresco technique, are used as colours in themselves. 2000 F.R. gives lectures on “Contemporary fresco” and Trompe l’oeil techniques at its own studio located up in the hills surrounding Anghiari, Tuscany. “Anapana sati” short digital animation on awareness of breath.
2003 F.R. “Four Colour Fragments” are exhibited in F.A.S. Studio, Naples along with several 3D projects of his sculptures. 2000/2008 F.R. paints same important fresco portraits, among the others that of: Renzo Piano, Giorgio Forattini, George Brassens, Umberto Veronesi, and Piero Castellini. 2005 Abstract fresco fragments, a cycle of six paintings dealing with the essence of colours. 2006/2007 F.R. installation “The summer Triangle, Orpheus, Deneb and Altair” wins BOSCHI AD ARTE Competition for the recovery of Raggiolo Tunnel in Tuscany and is permanently installed on the spot. 2008 Cycle of installations and paintings with prominent artist from last century as subjects. 2009 Family portrait of Italian people, Arthur Schopenhauer. Fabrizio Ruggiero is an independent artist and, from time to time, participates to Art Fair and Exhibitions all over Europe. In 2010, in the splendid setting of a former church of the Poppi Medieval Castle in the niche of the altarpiece, he placed A Bruit Secret & Pandora's Box, the fresco of a Ready-made by Duchamp inside the Pandora's Box of Contemporary Art. In 2015, a selection of his portraits of remarkable women, Le Monde des Femmes, was exhibited at the Maison de la Chine in Paris, France. The same year a major exhibition of his sculptures and sixteen portraits dedicated to the theme The Transformative Power of Art was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the United Nations. In September 2015 a selection of his works was exhibited at the New York University's Casa Italiana in New York. His most recent exhibit, The Transformative Power of Art and Ideas was held from April 26 to June 15 2017 at La Limonaia of Villa La Pietra, former residence of Sir Harold Acton and today campus of New York University in Florence, Italy. EXHIBITIONS: 2017 THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF ART & IDEAS
2016 Paying Homage to Old Masters in Museo Bardini
Maison de la Chine ,Paris, France. March 2015
2014 Tribute to Traditions: Cultural Diversity in Unity permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Cameroon in Yaoundé.
2012 Il colore dell’ombra, 2012. 2011 Boîte-en-valise II, red. (2011) PAN ...PALAZZO DELLE ARTI :::NAPOLI
2006 2005 2004 2003 2001 2000 1999 1998 «L’immaginario ornamentale» « Nisatta » 1997 Artefiera 97, Bologna.
« Icones Simbolicae » «Dana per Nataraja» «Le costellazioni dello sguardo»
«Pingendi Artis Fragmenta» «De Arte Fingendi Drama» «In Punta di Pennello»
A selection of works can be seen at: http://www.fabrizioruggiero.it
ARCHITECTURA PICTA, some works: Senator Susanna Agnelli. Argentario. En plain air painted library.
Chiara Boni. Firenze.
Gianmaria Donà delle Rose. Palazzo Gropallo Rocca Saporiti. Milano
Nara e Giorgio Mondadori. Milano Raffaello Cortina. Milano.
G. Armani’s private guesthouse. Milan.
Fabrizio Ruggiero Camiano, 52031 Anghiari, ITALY. http://www.fabrizioruggiero.it